Data on Ethiopia
Quite often, researchers spend a considerable amount of their time, energy, and resources in generating primary survey and experimental data. To get around this, they first check the availability of secondary data before embarking on generating their own data. Secondary datasets could also serve as a starting point for research design. However, secondary datasets are scattered all over and thus researchers might be unaware of the available datasets that they can harness.
In this section, we try to put together links for different secondary datasets pertaining to Ethiopia. We highly appreciate it if you could contribute to this by pointing out other secondary datasets. We would also be very grateful if you could share us your own secondary data. In doing so, we can make researchers have a one-window service on secondary data on Ethiopia, thereby economizing researchers’ time, energy, and resources.
Country data
- Central Statistical Authority
- COVID-19 High-Frequency Phone Survey of Households 2020 – World Bank LSMS Harmonized Dataset
- Demographic and Health Survey
- Enterprise survey data
- Ethiopia Panel Cohort 1: 6-month Follow-up Survey
- Ethiopian Rural Household survey
- Ethiopian Soil Information System
- Living Standard Measurement
- Phone Survey Data: Monitoring COVID-19 Impact on Firms and Households in Ethiopia
- Sustainable Intensification in Eastern and Southern Africa (SIMELESA) Survey
- SIMELESA on-station and on-farm agronomy data
- Young lives