About us

Are you someone who often thinks about the “whys” and the “ hows” of Ethiopia’s socio-economic development challenges? You may even have some ideas on how to address those challenges. Weniber is dedicated to serve as a platform for all concerned Ethiopians or friends of Ethiopia to share their thoughts and resources on the topics of development in the country.

Ethiopia’s current state and history do all but nag one to raise a myriad of questions. Why is Ethiopia resilient through its long history? Yet, why is it now a low-income country?  These are the overarching questions we intend to address in one or another way through Weniber. The solutions being implemented on the ground are over-reliant on foreign theories/philosophies and experiences. While learning from others, we also strongly believe that Ethiopia needs an indigenous and independent inquiry on its problems. Weniber, therefore, particularly encourages and promotes views that challenge the status quo.

You and we, through Weniber, could work together to leverage our expertise and resources in order to originally and scientifically examine Ethiopia’s socio-economic development questions. Weniber is initiated and managed by Yibekal A. Tessema (Ph.D.) and Yohannis M. Tessema (Ph.D.) who are researchers on economic, environmental and social topics.

Weniber also serves as a platform for networking among scholars and students specializing in economic, environmental and social studies. Potential areas of collaboration include data sharing and mentorship.

We highly appreciate it if you contact us to make suggestions, or to contribute by writing blogs.

Yours Faithfully,


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